Territory map and companies in RĀMAVA

Business centre RĀMAVA is permanent location for us (A.M.L. SIA) and thirty other companies, that have offices, warehouses and outside machinery expositions here. Most of these companies offer solutions for agricultural, forestry and related industries.

* Information about commercial premises available for long-term rent, see more - here.

* Business centre RĀMAVA also offers rent of indoor premises and outdoor area for organizing various events – conferences, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, various competitions and other events that are important to you. See more - here.

Company name,  location in territory,   Homepage

Us - SIA A.M.L.  hall, B side (floor 1 and 2)

Us - DARITEH - Laukiem. Dārzam. Mežam (hall, B side, floor 1)

ACA Timber SIA un LAPA SIA (hall, B side, floor 2)

AGP Serviss SIA (hall, B side, floor 2)

Agrotrac SIA (building D, floor 1)

Bennelat SIA (building C, floor 2)

DeMoro SIA  (building C, floor 2)

Delta-Rīga SIA  (hall, A side, floor 2)

Dārza tehnikas remontdarbnīca (building E, floor 1)

 mob. +371 26524517

EIRA SIA  (building C, floor 2)

Ekostandarts Tehnoloģijas SIA  (hall, B side, floor 2)

Graintech SIA  (hall, B side, floor 1)

Heta SIA (hall, A side, floor 1)

iAgro SIA (hall, B side, floor 1)

IDK Sistēmas SIA (halle, B side, floor 2)

Ingteh SIA (hall, B side, floor 2)

Ivabalte Agro SIA (hall, B side, floor 1)

JVK projekti SIA  (hall, A side, floor 1)

Latvijas gaļas liellopu audzētāju asociācija (LGLAA) (hall, A side, floor 2)

O CON SIA   (building C, floor 2 )

Partnerība DAUGAVKRASTS  (building C, floor 2 )

Precision Farming SIA un Agricon  (building D, floor 1)

Radošā darbnīca LM SIA  (hall, A side, floor 2)

RAW SIA (building A, floor 2)

Repark SIA (building C, floor 2)

SocIT ( builing C, floor 1)

Tālr.: 26108074, Olegs Jonelis

Tautas tērpu centrs SENĀ KLĒTS SIA (hall, A side, floor 2)

Toolbox SIA (hall, B side, floor 2)

Vaderstad SIA (building D, floor 1)

Valsts tehniskās uzraudzības aģentūra (VTUA) (building E, floor 1)

Join us - become a tenant

Do you represent a company that offers machinery, technologies, services? And are you considering renting office space and / or space in an outdoor area in the Business centre RĀMAVA? Contact us!